
Make sure that you’ve gotten an API key and a token or api-secret by following the instructions on the Trello developers site.

Copy your api-key and api-secret into a config in your home directory called .trello_release_settings.ini.

# copy this file to be ~/.trello_release_settings.ini
# fill in with your own information
# do NOT commit this information to your repo because the apisecret must be secret
# get your own app api key by going here:
apikey = 
# then click the link on that same page to manually generate a Token and put the info here:
apisecret = 
# for the following feel free to change them to whatever you want, but you'll need
# to create a board for testing with your boardname, done_list and releases_list
boardname = "My Big Board of Fun and Work and Stress"
done_list = Done
releases = Releases

Make sure to protect this file so only you can read it! If you’re in a unix or linux environment:

chmod g-rwx,o-rwx ~/.trello_release_settings.ini

Now you’re ready to create a release! I do it every week, but you do what suits you. If you’ve pip installed this, you can run perform a release:


To get more advanced, explore the options listed in the help:

trello-release --help

To use Trello Release Notes in a project:

import trello_release_notes